ðX-Pop #${updates_count} (Alpha version)
A curated list of awesome Popular profiles updates from the world: ðŊðĩJ-Pop, ð°ð·K-Pop, ðđðT-Pop, ð·ðšR-Pop and more... (ðX-Pop)
These are the files used for this project (Work in progress...)
% for i, update in enumerate(data["updates"]):
profile = data["profiles"][update['by']]
#${updates_count - i}
post | % for j, image in enumerate(update["images"]): ðļ ${j+1} % endfor
% endfor
% for username in data["profiles"].keys(): <% profile = data["profiles"][username] %>${profile["flag"]} @${username}
ðļ pic
% for link in profile["links"]:
link_view = link.replace("https://www.", "")
link_view = link_view.replace("https://", "")
- ${link_view} % endfor